Psalm 71:18

Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come. – Psalm 71:18

Dear heavenly Father,

I know as I get older that the younger folks are tempted to quit listening to me, but I long to share with them what you have done for me and all people.  I want them to trust and follow you from heartfelt faith.  Give me a voice with the young people in my life and help me to remember what it’s like not to know.  Give me an ear that listens for their paradigms so I can fit the wisdom you have given me into their vivacious youthful lives.  Oh God, help me do my part to pass the baton of faith and truth and give the youth in my life the insight to slow down long enough to receive that baton from my heart to theirs.  AMEN

Pastor Don Patterson

One of the greatest works in old age is to take time to give away for free to the next generation what cost you so much to learn throughout all the years.


Matthew 19:13-14


Psalm 127:3-5