Hebrews 13:5

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” - Hebrews 13:5

Dear Heavenly Father,

These are good times for my generation and me. The shut down of our economy makes us stop and reflect on where our help really comes from. I find myself more worried about widespread financial strain for my friends and me than I do about getting the deadly virus. Then I have to wonder from where does my anxiety really come from. I think it comes from a subliminal false idea that my economic welfare depends on me and the definable fiscal world in which I reside. I also think it comes from my lack of experience with widespread economic catastrophe. Most of the world lives in poverty and disease. You graciously let me be born into the land of prosperity and opportunities. So, I'm not very practiced at meditating on truth to get through the hard times. That's why this verse is important to me. It reminds me that you with me. I know you will take care of me. Help me get rid of the every thought that depends on a "what I can see and hear" mentality. Give me peace and generosity to share with those around me during these tough times. Make yourself known to every troubled heart. Calm their fears too and give them friendliness in the stores and along the roads.


Pastor Don Patterson

Worry over finances is the back side of covetousness. Trust in God and start living free to share.


Psalm 119:103-104


‭‭Romans‬ ‭1:16