Proverbs 11:13

A gossip betrays a confidence,
    but a trustworthy person keeps a secret. - Proverbs 11:13

Dear Heavenly Father,

My natural inclination is to keep all my troubles and weaknesses to myself but to make those of others the topic of discussion.  I live in a society that prides itself in free press.  It's like there's an intrinsic right to know everyone's business. I want to be connected to friends and family so I can be strength and help for them.  But I don't want to know their business out of morbid curiosity.  More importantly, I don't want to share their secrets with anyone.  So, tame my tongue and make me restrain myself.  Give me an extra measure of your love that always seeks the best interest of everyone.  Help me to stop arguing early and to listen late.  Make me a friend of sinners like you are. 


Pastor Don Patterson 

Be what you want others to be for you.  In God's time you'll receive the same. 


Proverbs 12:16


Proverbs 10:31