Proverbs 11:4

Proverbs 11_4.png

Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath,
but righteousness delivers from death. - Proverbs 11:4

Dear Heavenly Father,

No matter how much earthly wealth I have on the day you call me from this life, it won't be carried along to court. I'll have to stand there alone before you. You want righteousness. I have a problem there too. I am not righteous. I'm very aware of that every day. But that's why I am so thankful for your Son. He was righteous in my place. I believe in him. I love him and I am ready for the day you call it quits or me. I will stand before you wrapped in his life for mine.


Pastor Don Patterson

Peace that lasts beyond the grave is the best peace of all.


Proverbs 12:11


1 Corinthians 13:1-3