Galatians 6:1

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Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. - Galatians 6:1

Dear Jesus,

Cain was wrong and you are right. (Then again, you always are right.) I am my brother's keeper. Give me the love and courage to approach my Christian friends and family gently, if there is something they need to repent of or change. Help me to do it in such a way that they feel your love from the very first word that comes out of my the last mention of the issue. Give me the insight to always be ready to show them the power of your forgiveness instead of just coming down on them with the law. Also, make me humble to receive correction with a meek heart, ready to admit my faults and to accept the help of others.


Pastor Don Patterson

To have a friend who will own your struggles enough to talk about them is a great gift from God.


Mark 9:35


1 Corinthians 12:21,25