Revelation 13:8

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The Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. - Revelation 13:8

Dear Heavenly Father,

When I look closely at this passage I see that from your eternal perspective your Son, my Savior, has been slain since the creation of the world. The gift of sacrificing your only son is as fresh and passionate in your heart as it was the day it happened on Calvary. It always has been there in your present reality, even long before it happened. You live today with the compassion and passion that you had the day Jesus died. For me, a poo,r puny sinner, the appreciation of your Son's life lost, comes and goes. I'm embarrassed of that fact. But it's true. It builds a foundation of love and peace to know that Calvary is an ever present monumental event in your divine soul. I am as much your heart throb as I was the day in heaven that you thought to invent me. I trust in your Son, and I believe I am safe in your love and I accept that this will make me a target for the devil. Strengthen me to make good choices today and give me the willingness to reach out to some lost sinner to introduce them to your eternal gospel so they can get their name in the Lamb's book of life.


Pastor Don Patterson

God knows not past or future. So, his feelings for us are a constant passionate love.


‭‭1 John‬ ‭3:12‬ ‭


Revelation‬ ‭1:17-18