Psalm 139:19-22

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If only you, God, you would slay the wicked!  Away from me you bloodthirsty!  They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name.  Do I not hate those who hate you, LORD, and abhor those who are in rebellion against you? I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies. – Psalm 139:19-22

Dear lord,

I've always had a hard time reading David's words how he hates the wicked with a perfect hatred.  But I understand what it means to be loyal to you.  You are the one who made me.  You are the one who saved me.  You are the one who helps me grow and protects my life.  When people use your name lightly or as an expression of astonishment, or as a curse word or they say things about you that are demeaning or minimizing, I do get disturbed in my heart.  I know they don't know you.  I know they don't care about you either.  I always want to be sensitive about you because I love you with my heart.  But I also want to be careful to reach out to even your enemies with love and respect.  You tell me that it gives them the best opportunity to repent.  Help me strike the balance between inner loyalty to you at all times and outer gentleness toward those to whom you send me to confront with your love.  


Pastor Don Patterson

 When we are truly loyal to God, we will hurt in a world that disregards him.


Psalm 139:22-24


Psalm 139:13-18