Ecclesiastes 4:12

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. – Ecclesiastes 4:12

Dear heavenly Father,

Romantic love is your invention.  I don’t know why the world thinks it has the corner on love.  You are its author.  On this Valentines Day I thank you for the capacity that we all have to feel the butterflies when a special someone walks by, to fall in love with someone who could fall in love with us, to rejoice in the endorphins of love swirling between another couple.  Release me from a jealous heart to find joy in the romantic love with which you bless others.  Help me protect other people’s relationships and to celebrate with them when they are excited by their partner.  Help all couples everywhere to value marriage and the power of a promise to faithful for a life time.


Pastor Don Patterson

God invented romantic love the day he invented Eve and he blessed it with the protection of a marriage commitment.  We do well to guide all romance into that safe harbor. 


Ephesians 5:20


1 Timothy 4:8