Hebrews 13:9-10

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Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by eating ceremonial foods, which is of no benefit to those who do so. 10 We have an altar from which those who minister at the tabernacle have no right to eat. - Hebrews 13:9-10

Dear Jesus, 

There is no principal in scripture, no divine work, no emotional moment, no spiritual high that can compare to the stabilizing, comforting, liberating power of knowing I am covered by your grace and mercy.  Protect my heart from thinking that there is some religious or worldly pursuit that can feed my soul and sustain my faith.  I crave grace above all things.  When I stare into my soul and see what's really there, I long for redemption not reformation.  I just want to know that despite the fact that I will never measure up to any standard much less your perfect will, that you still love me and will give me audience in your throne room for my prayers and space in your mansion for eternity.  I don't deserve it.  But you have taught me that it's mine by grace.  This removes the fear that drives frenetic living.  I can live in peace and quietness and healthy spiritual activity.  Help me live in the power of grace today.  


Pastor Don Patterson 

God's treatment center for spiritual washouts is redeeming, accepting, and settling grace.   


Matthew 17:1-5


Hebrews 13:5