Matthew 16:25

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For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. - Matthew 16:25


Never have I found a more counter-intuitive verse in the Bible. Everything i have ever thought on my own or with the help of music, movies, motivational speakers and words from friends has been that I must find my life, chase my dreams, go out meet life instead of making it come to me. Then you say I have to lose it in order to find it. What?!? But as a child of yours, who has seen your sacrifice for all of us, I understand spiritually what you mean. My life is a gift that will be spent and then finished whether I sit by in a bed of selfish roses or I use it to serve others. Either way, it still moves forward and falls off the cliff. When I realize that my best use of my temporary passing life is to serve you and others, I will find the meaning of life in a transitory world. Help me to lose my life so I find it today.


Pastor Don Patterson

Your life on earth is not going to last, so the key is to make it plant something that springs up to live after you are gone.


Exodus 14:14


Matthew 13:23