Proverbs 22:3
Rich and poor have this in common:
The Lord is the Maker of them all. - Proverbs 22:3
Dear Lord,
All people are equal in your eyes. The are equally special and wonderful for you to behold because you made them just the way you wanted and put them in their time and place. You also love them all the same. Your Son was the high price you paid for each one. In heaven there will be no earthly distinctions such as rich or poor. Instead, we will all be seen as the precious gems that you have made us. Give me your divine acceptance of all people so everyone feels their worth when they deal with me in whatever moment we find ourselves, whether stressful or calm, whether fun or serious, whether good or bad. Make me a gracious lover of people so they feel your grace coming through me.
Pastor Don Patterson
All people are worth being loved with unconditional acceptance.