Micah 5:2-5a

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But you Bethlehem, Ephrathah, though you are the smallest of the clans of Judah, out of you will come a ruler whose origins are from of old from ancient times ... he will shepherd his people ... and  he will be their peace. -Micah 5:2-5a

Dear Heavenly Father,

Oh how the plan to send your son to earth burned in your heart until it was done. As you waited to right our wrongs and give us peace in our consciences you proudly prophesied  of that day. You chose a small town and an insignificant place to give your Son flesh and bone. You demonstrated that you came for all people whether great or small, whether ancient or modern. You are no respect or of good or bad. You came to redeem us all. Now I ask, by the spirit of your Son, Shepherd my heart and life and give me peace to calm me every day. Help all your people to live in that peace and so reflect the salvation you have sent to their families and friends. Be our peace and help us to multiply peace in our peers. 


Pastor Don Patterson

Jesus comes to the small places and small people to give them big peace. 


Matthew 2:4-6


Proverbs 12:11