Romans 13:7
Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”- Romans 13:7
Dear Jesus,
On this Veterans Day I am moved with great appreciation for all the men and women who have dedicated their lives to the preservation of freedom and the protection of our nation. If it were not for them my life would be drastically different. Thank you for graciously giving me a benevolent government, troops that protect and don’t exploit us, and law enforcement that we trust instead of fear. Bless military families everywhere with extra grace. Help them as they live apart so we can live in peace. Protect their marriages and inter generational relationships. Make them strong in their faith and loving in their demeanor. And when their work makes them see things that will haunt them later, visit them with your Spirit and show them that they are forgiven, and will someday be in heaven where these chaotic forces of evil will never affect them again.
Pastor Don Patterson
The military of any nation are its earthly guardian angels.