1 Peter 4:7-9

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The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. – 1 Peter 4:7-9

Dear Jesus,

If Peter taught us that the end was near in his life 2000 years ago, how much closer is the end today?  Please help me stay focused that my time is short on earth.  Help me make the most out of each day so the spiritual footprint I leave behind will work for you long after I am gone. Give me the wisdom and desire to live in love for others so that I cover over a multitude of sins and share grace with everyone.  Make me hospitable and free from judgmental grumbling.  Give me the supernatural ability to be positive and encouraging toward everyone I meet.  If you left me to myself I would be a grouchy hermit.  Oh, Jesus, squeeze out of my life blessings and truth until my very last breath.


Pastor Don Patterson

Knowing Jesus and the brevity of life makes us give and love more this very moment.


1 Peter 4:10-11


1 Peter 4:3-8