Isaiah 41:10

Do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.        
Isaiah 41:10

Dear heavenly Father,

I have fond memories of when my I weighed less than half of what my father did and he would throw my brother and me on his shoulders and then carry the two of us upstairs to bed.  I felt so safe, so loved, so content to have him carry us.  I get that same feeling when I read this little verse. It reaches past my crusty, fearful, adult heart to the little boy inside who longs to be taken care of. The truth is; you have carried me since before the day my father could no longer make it up the stairs with me on his back.  Often I see how you work things out, but sometimes I don't and that's when I need this verse to help me wait to see you finish blessing the blessings.  Give me the faith your promise here calls for.  Help me grab your hand with my heart and squeeze tightly so that I am not stressed by my fears.  AMEN

Pastor Don Patterson

The whole universe is God's house.  So, we are always with him no matter what room in which we may find ourselves. 


Proverbs 21:21


Proverbs 22:11