Proverbs 29:26


Many seek an audience with a ruler,
but it is from the Lord that one gets justice. - Proverbs 29:26

Dear Lord,

I can think of many times that I needed this promise. Whenever I have had to submit my cause to someone else who is in authority and who was to make a decision that affected my life, I would get very nervous and feel so vulnerable. In those times it feels like they hold my happiness in their hands. But here you remind me that you are the one to bring justice for my life. Even if the authority rules differently than I had hoped, you will work justice for me through their decision. It might just be a longer road to justice than I had hoped. I am in your hands and not the boss, the judge or the person behind the counter. You see all and you do what is best for all. I can let go of the pressure I normally put on myself to make it turn out perfectly according to my desires. I can just present the facts and trust you are working through the fallible person who holds the decision making authority. Oh Lord, increase my faith to trust you are working in all circumstances!


Pastor Don Patterson

God is not so small as to forfeit control of your whole life to the whims of a human judge in the courtroom or the street.

Additional Reading: Joseph's story in Genesis 37-50


Proverbs 16:4


Proverbs 23:17-18